Bachelor’s Degree Programs

*The Associate Degree courses are included in these programs for years 1 and 2. Please refer to the Associate Degree Programs for the list and descriptions of courses. NOTE: When you are enrolled in a bachelor’s degree program, you will NOT receive an Associate Degree after you have completed the first two years of study.

Prerequisite to Enroll
A student must verify evidence of graduation from high school or evidence of completion of a General Education Development (GED) test.

$4,680.00 (payment plans are available)

Bachelor of Biblical Studies (B.B.S.)

Associate Degree Courses 60
Pentateuch 4
Customs & Manners 4
Pronouncing Biblical Names & Places 4
Bible Atlas 4
Prophecy 4
Galatians/I & II Thessalonians 4
I Corinthians 4
Blasphemy & Exaltation in Judaism 4
Understanding the Trinity 4
Interpreting the Synoptic Gospels 4
Attributes of God 4
Greek 4
Demonology 4
History of English Translations of the Bible 4
Elective 4
Total Credit Hours 120
Course Descriptions

The “Pentateuch” refers to the five books of Moses. These five books are filled with color, adventure, noise and upheaval, but are also filled with promise, hope, love and redemption for those who trust their lives to God.

Customs & Manners
By knowing the customs and manners of Bible times, you gain a deeper understanding of Biblical passages. This course outlines family life, trades, education, agriculture, shepherding and other ancient customs regarding marriage, education, farming, dress, economics, food, housing, worship and more.

Pronouncing Biblical Names & Places
Few seminaries or Bible colleges offer this course, but it’s a necessity for speakers and teachers. Even skilled expositors and pastors stumble when it comes to pronouncing Biblical names and places, but after completing this course, you’ll be able to approach your teaching with confidence. The textbook uses wording based on the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, plus the most widely accepted modern English usage.

Bible Atlas
This course teaches you about the terrain, vegetation, climate, economy and trade routes primarily in Palestine. You will also receive an overview of surrounding areas including Greece and Rome and other historical sites.

A person who is called to preach must thoroughly understand prophecy and its importance in today’s world. Various subjects are discussed including God’s wrath, the Rapture and views of the Millennium.

Galatians/I & II Thessalonians
This course includes a self-study guide and workbook which discuss the early letters from Paul the Apostle in which he bolsters the faith of young believers led astray by unsettling and erroneous teachings. This study challenges us to a fearless faith by experiencing and trusting the true freedom the Spirit gives, by imitating Godly examples in persevering through adversity and by trusting God’s faithfulness while waiting for our certain hope, the coming of our Lord.

I Corinthians
This course includes a self-study guide and workbook which discuss issues that affect every Christian: spiritual gifts, sexual sins, purity of doctrine, the cross and resurrection, love, money, and giving. This pastoral letter written by Paul is as relevant today as it was in the early church. Comprehensive in scope, this study provides you with a rich resource for gaining a good basic understanding of the book of I Corinthians and its themes.

Blasphemy & Exaltation in Judaism
This course guides you through the Jewish background and context of Mark’s gospel. The acts of cursing, slandering, reviling or showing contempt for God carried serious consequences in the Old and New Testaments. Since the Jews literally obeyed the Third Commandment, the significance of the charge of “blasphemy” against Jesus will be studied in detail and you will learn firsthand the meaning of “showing a lack of reverence for God.”

Understanding the Trinity
“Trinity” is a term that describes one God, self-revealed in scripture as three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. While not a Biblical term, this course discusses why the doctrine of the trinity is Biblical and how gaining a deeper understanding of this doctrine will increase your faith and help you increase the faith of others.

Interpretating the Synoptic Gospels
The Synoptic Gospels refer to the similarities in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. In this course, you will learn how these gospels were developed, preserved and used in response to the catechetical and didactic needs of the early church. It will include a comparative analysis and a discussion on their structure and validity as distinctive literary works.

Attributes of God
An in-depth study and understanding of the divine attributes of God is significant for today’s preacher, teacher and lay person. This course will discuss how God is an invisible, personal and living Spirit, distinguished from all other spirits. Metaphysically, God is self-existent, eternal, and unchanging. Intellectually, God is omniscient. Learn more about the many attributes of God from this study.

This course is a self-study system that will teach you the Greek alphabet, pronunciation, vocabulary, the general outlines of Greek grammar and the context behind dozens of terms in the Bible.

This course is a study of Satan and demons. The author’s work in the textbook is well-researched, extensive, balanced and exegetically correct as it surveys literature. Discussions include various maladies often believed to be caused by demons are discussed, cautions against faulty thinking concerning mental disorders, demon possession and obsession and examination of cultural views of demons.

History of English Translations of the Bible
Up until the Reformation Era, the attempt to translate the Bible directly into English was met with resistance, but today most of the world’s Bibles are in English. This course is essential for anyone who wants to learn more about the various English versions, what is contained in them, who translated them and the time in history in which they were translated.

Your choice of any course offered by Omega.

Bachelor of Christian Counseling (B.C.C.)

Associate Degree Courses 60
Biblical Counseling 4
Book of Psalms 4
Christian Counseling I 4
Christian Counseling II 4
Role of the Holy Spirit in Gospels and Acts 4
Bible Difficulties I 4
Bible Difficulties II 4
Educational Psychology 4
Forgiveness I 4
Forgiveness II 4
Demonology 4
Parenting 4
Christian Psychology 4
God’s Prescription for Healing 4
Elective 4
Total Credit Hours 120
Course Descriptions

Biblical Counseling
It can be argued that counseling is a theological discipline. As such, Biblical counseling is a ministry just like preaching or missions and must be defined according to sound Biblical theology rather than secular principles. This course unpacks the core theological convictions that underlie sound counseling and offers practical wisdom for counseling today.

The Book of Psalms
Become better acquainted with one of the most beautiful and tender books of the Bible. Psalms is often called the “Book of Praise” and shows how David, the primary author used psalms as an effective form of communication with and worship of God. Also discussed are the categories of psalm, including lament or petition, thanksgiving or praise, psalms of trust in God, hymns, and didactic and wisdom psalms.

Christian Counseling I
This course is a comprehensive study of common issues including depression, anxiety, anger, developmental issues, interpersonal issues and more. You will learn the cause, effect, treatment and prevention for these issues and how the word of God can bring about necessary change. You will gain new insight into postmodernism, the emergent church, counseling in an age of terrorism and other twenty-first century trends to better help your clients.

Christian Counseling II
Continuing from Part I, this course covers learning how to counsel issues such as identity (i.e., inferiority, self-esteem, physical illness, singleness), family (from premarital to divorce and remarriage), and other issues. It will cover various topics such as mental disorders, alcoholism, addictions, trauma, financial counseling, spiritual issues and more.

The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Gospels and Acts
This course sets out to prove that the early Christian experience was centered around the Holy Spirit. You will examine passages which provide a fuller understanding of what the Holy Spirit meant in the life of early believers. You will also uncover ancient evidence which gives a clearer understanding of the divine purity of this member of the Godhead.

Bible Difficulties I
This course carefully focuses on the importance of language, archaeology, cultural context, numerology and many other details to discover the meaning of difficult passages in the Bible. This study will equip you to stand firm in your knowledge as many ambiguities are cleared up and questions are answered.

Bible Difficulties II
The Bible declares, “Walk in wisdom that you may know how to answer each one.” This comprehensive course offers clear and concise answers to every major Bible difficulty from Genesis to Revelation. Almost every conceivable question that could come to mind of the believer or doubter regarding the inerrancy of scripture is found in this study.

Educational Psychology
This course offers new perspectives and an analysis about the processes and purposes of learning. It will discuss student motivation, behavioral patterns, identification and inquiry avenues and physical-structural disorders. By expanding on one aspect of educational theory/theology, you will be able to choose the method that best reaches particular learners.

Forgiveness I
Wholeness and salvation are created when there is forgiveness. Through this course, you will learn from the best of theology and the best of modern psychology on the nature of this valuable subject. The textbook’s two authors use sources to replace static and forensic views of forgiveness with a view of forgiveness as dynamic and inter-subjective.

Forgiveness II
This course offers a distinctively Christian account of forgiveness that is as rich in analysis as it is practical. It discusses the relevance of loving God with our whole minds and is deeply insightful and true to the Lord’s command.

This course is a study of Satan and demons. The author’s work in the textbook is well-researched, extensive, balanced and exegetically correct as it surveys literature. Discussions include various maladies often believed to be caused by demons are discussed, cautions against faulty thinking concerning mental disorders, demon possession and obsession and examination of cultural views of demons.

An overlooked subject in the Christian ranks is now discussed in detail by a professional Christian Counselor who has helped parents and adolescents understand their differences. and transition. This course focuses on the transition from childhood to adulthood and discusses the normalcy of defiance in the transition from dependence to independence. Through this course, you will learn how to help families hold strong during trials and become stronger together in faith.

Christian Psychology
This course spotlights features, persons, ideas, and applications relevant to Christian counseling and correlates these understandings with a holistic Christian view of humanity and the counseling spectrum. A broad view of this course includes classic psychological theory, child and adult development, social psychology, abnormal psychology and more.

God’s Prescription for Healing
The prescription for healing designed by your creator is already within you. In this course, you will uncover the five areas of God’s healing prescription: 1) Intracellular mysteries of God’s healing design (DNA), 2) Scientific use of God’s healing design (medicine), 3) Spiritual wholeness by alignment of the Creator (lifestyle), 4) Improbable healing by God (prayer), and 5) Ultimate healing by being united with God (eternal life).

Your choice of any course offered by Omega.

Bachelor of Christian Education (B.C.E.)

Associate Degree Courses 60
Customs & Manners I 4
Customs & Manners II 4
Church History I 4
Church History II 4
Sunday School Methods 4
The Art of Teaching the Bible 4
Evangelism & Discipleship 4
Parenting 4
Christian Education I 4
Christian Education II 4
Pedagogy I 4
Pedagogy II 4
Pedagogy III 4
Sharing Christ in the 21st Century 4
Leading Bible Study Groups 4
Total Credit Hours 120
Course Descriptions

Customs & Manners I
By knowing the customs and manners of Bible times, you gain a deeper understanding of Biblical passages. This course outlines family life, trades, education, agriculture, shepherding and other ancient customs.

Customs & Manners II
A continuation of part I, this course outlines ancient customs regarding marriage, education, farming, dress, economics, food, housing, worship, and more to give you a broader perspective on how society was shaped by the standards upheld.

Church History I
This course reviews the history of the church from the time of Christ to the Middle Ages. Major church figures are given special attention.

Church History II
A continuation from part I, this course continues with the Age of Reformation, the Age of Reason and Revival, the Age of Ideologies and the Age of Technology and the Spirit.

Sunday School Methods
Sunday School is the key to achieving evangelistic goals, opening the door to the church and reaching the lost. In this course, you’ll learn how to minister to all ages, develop new leaders, train volunteers, provide role models, turn spectators into workers, build family ministries and connect people to create deeper relationships.

The Art of Teaching the Bible
A fresh approach to leading an adult Bible study, this course provides a framework for teaching proper Biblical interpretation, how to use a specific curriculum, how to write your own lesson plans, and goes over different teaching models and ways to make your class interesting and engaging.

Evangelism & Discipleship
While specific procedures of evangelism and discipleship change, the basic tenets remain the same. In this course you will learn how the New Testament church’s principles for ministry are still valuable, vital and valid for the church today. Discussion topics includes knowing God, spiritual duties, humility and the shaping of one’s character.

An overlooked subject in the Christian ranks is now discussed in detail by a professional Christian Counselor. This course focuses on the transition from childhood to adulthood and discusses the normalcy of defiance in the transition from dependence to independence. Through this course, you will learn how to help families hold strong during trials and become stronger together in faith.

Christian Education I
This course teaches the Christian education specialist how to divide the various responsibilities of Christian education into workable tasks. It includes eight sample descriptions from churches of different sizes and provides insight for educating youth and adults.

Christian Education II
This course helps the small church discover fresh ideas for recruiting volunteers and training teachers. You will learn how to develop various education programs from nurseries to retreats.

Pedagogy I
This course shows you how to master a Biblical text and discover its relevance to everyday living. It will demonstrate how to detect and develop the main theme of each passage and allow the text to suggest creative teaching methods. You will learn how to improve your classroom skills, stimulate class discussions, motivate students and use the student’s imagination to improve their skills.

Pedagogy II
A continuation from part I, this course expands upon the basic principles of teaching. You will discover ways to meet the unique needs of students (e.g., learning disabilities) so everyone can participate. This study also identifies and challenges appropriate teaching, discipline methods and realistic expectations.

Pedagogy III
A continuation from part II, this course focuses on the New Testament and provides a historical, grammatical, literary and cultural context of scripture to preach the word with passion and excellence.

Sharing Christ in the 21st Century
This course discusses innovative approaches to evangelism. You will learn how a traditional small-group ministry can be expanded to incorporate seekers and non-Christians who share a special interest such as pets or fishing. You will also learn how your congregation can reach out to your community, make friends and spread God’s word.

Leading Bible Study Groups
Small Bible study groups encourage individual growth, strengthen the church and help reach the community. In this course, you will learn the basic small-group components and dynamics and how to set group goals, develop relationships, train leaders, launch outreach programs and more. A complete leader training course and several small-group Bible studies are included.

Bachelor of Ministry (B.Min.)

Associate Degree Courses 60
Church Leadership/Management 4
Church Parliamentary Law 4
Customs & Manners 4
Pronouncing Biblical Names & Places 4
Homiletics I 4
Homiletics II 4
Pastoral Theology 4
Tithing 4
History of English Translations of the Bible 4
Bible Difficulties 4
Attributes of God 4
Biblical Counseling 4
Foreign Missions 4
Church Growth I 4
Elective 4
Total Credit Hours 120
Course Descriptions

Church Leadership/Management
This course encourages leadership, growth and discipleship by showing you how to teach and delegate, thereby enabling lay people to grow spiritually as they use their gifts to the fullest.

Church Parliamentary Law
In clear, concise language, this course helps you to understand the fundamental principles and operations of parliamentary order. It includes a practical study with a chart of motions and examples from real life.

Customs & Manners
By knowing the customs and manners of Bible times, you gain a deeper understanding of Biblical passages. This course outlines family life, trades, education, agriculture, shepherding and other ancient customs regarding marriage, education, farming, dress, economics, food, housing, worship and more.

Pronouncing Biblical Names & Places
Few seminaries or Bible colleges offer this course, but it’s a necessity for speakers and teachers. Even skilled expositors and pastors stumble when it comes to pronouncing Biblical names and places, but after completing this course, you’ll be able to approach your teaching with confidence. The textbook uses wording based on the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, plus the most widely accepted modern English usage.

Homiletics I
Have you ever listened to a sermon and felt your heart soar as a fresh insight is given or a long-forgotten concept is remembered? This occurs when a preacher has mastered homiletics, or the art and science of preaching. This practical study will help you prepare to preach the Word, grab the hearts of listeners and bring them closer to God.

Homiletics II
Continuing from part I, this course weaves together history, theology and hermeneutics to aid the serious pastor, teacher and evangelist in communication skills, sermon preparation and delivery.

Pastoral Theology
The biblical framework presented in this course will help those who feel a desire to pursue ministry, those starting out in ministry, and those who feel like they have lost sight of why they became a pastor. You will learn the pastor’s roles and responsibilities and gain greater insight in theological truth.

Every Christian needs to know and understand the scriptural view of tithing. This course will spark your mind and bring about a renewed commitment to support God’s work in God’s way and through God’s people. You will learn the origin of tithing, the gospel and the law of tithing, the blessings of tithing, and the questions most often asked about tithing.

History of English Translations of the Bible
Up until the Reformation Era, the attempt to translate the Bible directly into English was met with resistance, but today most of the world’s Bibles are in English. This course is essential for anyone who wants to learn more about the various English versions, what is contained in them, who translated them and the time in history in which they were translated.

Bible Difficulties
This course carefully focuses on the importance of language, archaeology, cultural context, numerology and many other details to discover the meaning of difficult passages in the Bible. This study will equip you to stand firm in your knowledge as many ambiguities are cleared up and questions are answered.

Attributes of God
An in-depth study and understanding of the divine attributes of God is significant for today’s preacher, teacher and lay person. This course will discuss how God is an invisible, personal and living Spirit, distinguished from all other spirits. Metaphysically, God is self-existent, eternal, and unchanging. Intellectually, God is omniscient. Learn more about the many attributes of God from this study.

Biblical Counseling
It can be argued that counseling is a theological discipline. As such, biblical counseling is a ministry just like preaching or missions and must be defined according to sound biblical theology rather than secular principles. This course unpacks the core theological convictions that underlie sound counseling and offers practical wisdom for counseling today.

Foreign Missions
This course discusses the means and history of missions, the methods of the local church, how to qualify missionaries, and how to gain the manpower needed to go into the world with the gospel.

Church Growth I
This course examines the problems found in the local church and why the church world must change its thinking in order to expand. Found in this study is professional advice on how to bring more people into your church and build a larger and more dynamic membership.

Your choice of any course offered by Omega.

Bachelor of Theology (Th.B.)

Associate Degree Courses 60
Pentateuch 4
Homiletics 4
Greek 4
Bible Difficulties 4
Attributes of God 4
Pastoral Theology 4
Church History I 4
Church History II 4
Customs & Manners 4
Pronouncing Biblical Names & Places 4
Foreign Missions 4
Book of Matthew 4
Parenting 4
Church Parliamentary Law 4
Elective 4
Total Credit Hours 120
Course Descriptions

The “Pentateuch” refers to the five books of Moses. These five books are filled with color, adventure, noise and upheaval, but are also filled with promise, hope, love and redemption for those who trust their lives to God.

Have you ever listened to a sermon and felt your heart soar as a fresh insight is given or a long-forgotten concept is remembered? This occurs when a preacher has mastered homiletics, or the art and science of preaching. This course weaves together history, theology and hermeneutics to provide an in-depth study in communication skills, sermon preparation and delivery so you can grab the hearts of listeners and bring them closer to God.

This course is a self-study system that will teach you the Greek alphabet, pronunciation, vocabulary, the general outlines of Greek grammar and the context behind dozens of terms in the Bible.

Bible Difficulties
This course carefully focuses on the importance of language, archaeology, cultural context, numerology and many other details to discover the meaning of difficult passages in the Bible. This study will equip you to stand firm in your knowledge as many ambiguities are cleared up and questions are answered.

Attributes of God
An in-depth study and understanding of the divine attributes of God is significant for today’s preacher, teacher and lay person. This course will discuss how God is an invisible, personal and living Spirit, distinguished from all other spirits. Metaphysically, God is self-existent, eternal, and unchanging. Intellectually, God is omniscient. Learn more about the many attributes of God from this study.

Pastoral Theology
The biblical framework presented in this course will help those who feel a desire to pursue ministry, those starting out in ministry, and those who feel like they have lost sight of why they became a pastor. You will learn the pastor’s roles and responsibilities and gain greater insight in theological truth.

Church History I
This course reviews the history of the church from the time of Christ to the Middle Ages. Major church figures are given special attention.

Church History II
A continuation from part I, this course continues with the Age of Reformation, the Age of Reason and Revival, the Age of Ideologies and the Age of Technology and the Spirit.

Customs & Manners
By knowing the customs and manners of Bible times, you gain a deeper understanding of Biblical passages. This course outlines family life, trades, education, agriculture, shepherding and other ancient customs regarding marriage, education, farming, dress, economics, food, housing, worship and more.

Pronouncing Biblical Names & Places
Few seminaries or Bible colleges offer this course, but it’s a necessity for speakers and teachers. Even skilled expositors and pastors stumble when it comes to pronouncing biblical names and places, but after completing this course, you’ll be able to approach your teaching with confidence. The textbook uses wording based on the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, plus the most widely accepted modern English usage.

Foreign Missions
This course discusses the means and history of missions, the methods of the local church, how to qualify missionaries, and how to gain the manpower needed to go into the world with the gospel.

Book of Matthew
Matthew was the gospel written to the Jews in answer to their questions regarding Jesus of Nazareth and His claim to be their Messiah. This course includes a self-study guide which answers questions such as: Was He truly the Messiah predicted in the Old Testament? Why didn’t He establish His promised kingdom on earth? Will His kingdom ever be a reality? Other topics of discussion include the Sermon on the Mount and the Olivet Discourse.

An overlooked subject in the Christian ranks is now discussed in detail by a professional Christian Counselor. This course focuses on the transition from childhood to adulthood and discusses the normalcy of defiance in the transition from dependence to independence. Through this course, you will learn how to help families hold strong during trials and become stronger together in faith.

Church Parliamentary Law
In clear, concise language, this course helps you to understand the fundamental principles and operations of parliamentary order. It includes a practical study with a chart of motions and examples from real life.

Your choice of any course offered by Omega.