Associate Degree Programs

Associate degrees are awarded to students who complete 60 credit hours of study. In most cases, a student will take approximately two years to earn an associate degree.

Prerequisite to Enroll
A student must verify evidence of graduation from high school or evidence of completion of a General Education Development (GED) test.

$2340.00, or 24 monthly installments of $97.50

Associate of Biblical Studies

Life of Christ I 4
Old Testament Bible Survey 4
New Testament Bible Survey 4
Faith 4
Understanding Your Bible (Hermeneutics) 4
Book of Acts 4
Bible Doctrine 4
Religious Cults 4
Life & Teachings of Paul 4
Minor Prophets 4
Spiritual Warfare 4
Apologetics I 4
Gospel of John 4
Christian Leadership 4
Elective 4
Total Credit Hours 60
Course Descriptions

Life of Christ I
This course gives you a deep understanding of the person and works of our Savior as He lived on earth. You will walk in His footsteps as the textbook recounts His birth, youth, baptism, call of the disciples, message, temptation, triumphant entry, last supper, death and resurrection. This course is a valuable resource for pastors and laypeople alike.

Old Testament Bible Survey
The main purpose of this survey is to develop your firsthand knowledge of the Old Testament. This course includes a background study of Old Testament books, prominent subjects, customs, political climates, major religious and political figures, key words, verses, charts and maps. While some may feel the New Testament should replace the old, in actuality, the New Testament serves as a sequel to the Old Testament’s origins, heir of its promises, fruit of its seed and the peak of its mountain.

New Testament Bible Survey
The main purpose of this survey is to gain deep insight into the New Testament as a whole, not just individual books. The New Testament is where God gave the written word not only for the believer’s salvation, but also for their edification, growth and service. This course offers a deeper understanding of God’s divine power to transform one from the old to a new life.

This course uses a workbook style of learning and covers many questions and concerns about faith such as the Biblical view of faith, how to use faith to handle life’s difficulties, the history of faith, faith as it relates to healing and miracles and more. Your faith will be strengthened as you learn to strengthen the faith in others.

Understanding Your Bible (Hermeneutics)
This course provides an easy-to-use resource to help you deepen your Biblical knowledge. You will learn the history of the Old and New Testaments, the Bible’s ten great doctrines, the story of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and several events from scripture that shaped society.

Book of Acts
This course includes a bible commentary which will help you study the Book of Acts as never before. Relive one of the most life-changing events in human history that changed the disciples, who were brought face to face with Almighty God and his power and could not remain the same. They encountered radical transformation that caused them to be filled with the spirit, bold in their declarations, living a God-centered life, following God’s leading and seeing God’s faithfulness. Their founding of the early church gives us a legacy of faith and causes us to know what He did in each disciple He can do in your life. his study will cause your faith to be strengthened as you encounter the wonder of God’s presence.

Bible Doctrine
This foundational study is a must for every Christian. No person will make progress in applying the teachings of the Bible unless the cardinal doctrines of scripture are understood. Although the study of Bible doctrine cannot take the place of studying the Bible, it will prove useful to anyone who studies the essential doctrines of scripture along with the Bible. While Bible doctrines are compiled by humans, they constitute the positive message of God Himself who wants everyone to hear and understand His word.

Religious Cults
This course explains the meaning of the word “cult” by examining the history, theology and methods of cultic evangelism, and explains the dangers and growth potential of religious cults. You will learn about the need for sound evangelical education and training in the local church to equip the saints to combat the spread of false theology and cultism.

Life & Teachings of Paul
Experience what Paul experienced by studying the times, pressures and the difficulties of the great Apostle. Different than other studies on Paul, this course focuses on his “Jewish Theology” and explains how Judaism influenced the young theologian more than Hellenism. This study reveals Saul of Tarsus as a man who, though rejected in the synagogue, never truly left Judaism. This skewed notion has led to widely divergent interpretations of Paul’s writings. Paul never asserted a negative view toward the Torah, he was always positive, and he separates Jesus’ mission among the Jews from His call to the Gentiles.

Minor Prophets
This course shows how ancient prophets still speak to believers today. By exploring the theme of each book in the context of history and revelation, you will learn how the prophets teach us about the truth, the majesty of God, courage, hope, injustice, judgment, trusting and loving God, and many other spiritual precepts.

Spiritual Warfare
This course unveils a simple, yet radical truth: every struggle and conflict faced in the physical realm has its roots in the spiritual realm. Learn to demystify spiritual warfare so you can tackle challenges and obstacles with spiritual power—God’s authority—as you understand how the battle is fought by Satan, actively use the armor of God and find strength in prayer and sufficiency in Christ.

Apologetics I
The term “apologist” refers to a person who defends scripture. Some people lose faith because they believe the Bible is full of contradictions, but the Bible, when understood properly, never contradicts itself. In this course, you will learn how to become an apologist by discovering answers to common questions about God, miracles, world religions, faith, the creation and more. This course draws on a wealth of Bible research and point-by-point logic refined during years of lectures by the textbook’s two authors. Upon completion, your faith will be strengthened as you have learned precisely why Christianity stands up to even the toughest scrutiny.

Gospel of John
This course includes a self-study guide and workbook that explores Jesus’ ministry to the public and His disciples, His passion and resurrection, and offers a better understanding of Christ’s promise of abundant life centered in His words and works. You will find this study a rich resource for gaining a solid, yet through understanding of the themes found in the Book of John.

Christian Leadership
Leaders in our culture strive to guide others but often miss the mark biblically. Leaders must exhibit the model of what true biblical leadership represents and must be authentic and have purpose as their goal. This course will give you the tools through scripture to build a strong foundation of leadership. Topics of study include communication, accountability, support and prioritizing people so you can grow and flourish in service and work through biblical leadership.

Your choice of any course offered by Omega.